
jueves, 24 de mayo de 2018

Elena Villar Bustos

Title of the Unit: __LIVING THINGS AROUND US_________  Course / Level: 1st YEAR    

1. Learning outcomes
To recognize and distinguish living and non-living things.
To learn the names of some animals
To learn facts about animals: what they eat, how they reproduce, body parts, how they protect their bodies, how they move…

2. C for Content

3. C for Communication


Parts of animal bodies; herbivores, carnivores, omnivores,…


Born from their mother’s womb, born from an egg, baby animals.

Language skills  Discourse type
Describe their favourite animal.

4. C for Cognitive
    Thinking processes

Appreciating the diversity found in the animal world

5. C for Culture

Showing responsibility when keeping baby animals as pets
Talking about different uses of animals in different cultures and different ages.

6. Activities

Watching a video to introduce living, non-living things.
Matching cards with the body parts of animals.
Learning a song with different movements of animals.
Watching a video about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and play the quiz at the end of it.
Playing online games about living or non living things, body parts of animals.

7. Tasks

Label body parts of animals in a worksheet and glue it on the notebook.
Glue the matched cards with the body animal parts.

8. Cross-curricular tasks


9. Organization and class                                   distribution. Timing

Most of the lessons children will work in small groups, except the cards activity that it would be in pairs. This unit is thought for 8 sessions of 45-60 minutes.

10. Resources and materials


11. Key Competences

Describe animals’ bodies
Write an animal index card

12. Assessment:
criteria and instruments

Observation in the classroom
To show a positive attitude towards learning Science.

Diseño basado en el de © Isabel Pérez Torres, con algunas modificaciones:

Title of the Unit: A HALLOWEEN PARTY                            Course / Level: 2ND YEAR     

1. Learning outcomes
-       To promote the knowledge of the English speaking countries through the Halloween festivity.
-       To get involved into a different culture.
-       To respect another culture.
-       To know the origin of Halloween

2. C for Content

-       Games played in Halloween
-       Halloween history

5. C for Culture

A Halloween party (different games to work different P.E. skills based on Halloween)

6. Activities

-       Spider web walking Halloween web
-       Witch's hat ring toss
-       Bob an apple
-       Ballon catch
-       Pin the tail to the donkey
-       Ghost races
-       Skeleton puzzle
-       Skeleton dance

7. Tasks

-       To  do all the activities in order to practice different skills: coordination, balance, 5 senses,…

8. Cross-curricular tasks
- To know the English culture throught the celebration of a popular festivity.


9. Organization and class                                   distribution. Timing

Whole class. Groups (5-6 people)
2 PE sessions.

10. Resources and materials

Diseño basado en el de © Isabel Pérez Torres, con algunas modificaciones:

Jonathan Sánchez Luengo

Title of the Unit:  Time Goes By Course                                               / Level: 2

5. C for Culture

Society, music, traditions, everyday activities.

6. Activities

- Make the calendar of your birth month.
- Make a timeline for your life.
- Obseve differents types of communication in the past and present.
- Compare life in the past and present.
- Learn about the past through family history.
- Old and new music: Then, pupils
- Meeting with an old student
- Let´s go shopping like before
- Traditional games

7. Tasks

à Make the calendar of your birth month: I´ll show a calendar and I´ll sing the months together. 
They have to make their own calendar of their birth month with a title, days of the week, numberswith different materials and then answer questions like:
1. What day it´s your birthday?
2. How many days/weeks are there in ?
3. How many Mondays/weekends are there?
4. How many weekends are there?
à Make a timeline for your life: I´ll bring in photos of myself at different ages and or events of my life: born, first steps, first day at school 
then I´ll order chronologically on the board and I´ll explain why it´s a timeline. 
Pupils must collect their own photos to do a timeline on a cardboard and others materials. T
hen each pupil will explain their timeline shortly.

à Obseve differents types of communication in the past and present
We´ll discuss about differents types of communication and I´ll show their how change during the years. 
I´ll bring a old phone and a mobile phone (old and smartphone) to see the differences. 
 Similarly with a writing machine and laptop. They will answer the questions:
1. Do you know these objects or machines?
2. Do you know how they work?
3. Do you use any of these objects or machines?
4. Which one do you like the most? Why?
à Compare life in the past and present
Compare with differents photos of old and modern objects and machines and classify them on past and present.

à Learn about the past through family history
Pupils must investigate about childhood of his/her great grandfather/great grandmother or grandfather/grandmother though an interview with questions like:
1. How many brothers and sisters did the family have?
2. Where did they live?
3. What job did his father/mother do?
4. How much money did he/she earn?
Then, pupils will complete the investigation drawing the member of his/her family. Pupil will show your drawing and he/she will explain who is he/she.

8. Cross-curricular tasks
à Old and new music: activity consists of listening to the same melody with a Spanish guitar and then with an electric guitar. 
We will talk about the differences between both instruments. (Arts: Music Education)
à Meeting with an old student
an old student of our school will explain how the building was when he was a child and if the school had computers, school transport, dining room,   (Language and Literature)

à Let´s go shopping like before
we will prepare a traditional market to buy fruits, vegetables, milk... and we will pay with pesetas. (Mathematics)

à Traditional games: in the school gym we will play traditional games
 like peonza, canicas, carreras de sacos”… (Physical Education)

10. Resources and materials

Cardboard, pens, scissors, photos, glue, mobile phone, old phone, writing machine, laptop, crayons, papers, spanish and electric guitar, plastic food, plastic coins, peonzas, canicas

Diseño basado en el de © Isabel Pérez Torres, con algunas modificaciones:

Laura Oviedo

Title of the Unit: Ecosystems                                       Course / Level: 5 Primary

5. C for Culture

Learn how a food chain works made up of animals within a typical ecosystem from Castilla y León.

6. Activities

2. Classify animals from Castilla y León into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
3. Classify animals from Castilla y León into producers, consumers and decomposers.

7. Tasks

1. Students have to search for animals from their community and print pictures of them.
7. After the tasks carried out in the playground, students in groups make a poster with the animals of their community in order to show how a food chain works and how energy flows between the different levels.
8. Finally, students explain their posters to the rest of the class.

8. Cross-curricular tasks
               This tasks are carried out in the playground.
4. Who eats who?:
Each student has a picture of an animal. When the teacher says `Lunch time!´ each animal (student) has to chase and hunt another animal they can eat.
5.  Make a food chain:
When the teacher says `Food chain!´they have to group together, so that in each group there are producers, consumers (primary, secondary) and decomposers.
6. Where is the energy?:
Students of each food chain make a circle, standing in the correct place colck wise (producers, consumers, decomposers). In order that students understand how energy flows within an ecosystem, the pass a ball from the producers to the consumers and then to the decomposers.

10. Resources and materials

Pictures of the animals.
Crayons, felt-tip pens.
Web pages.

Diseño basado en el de © Isabel Pérez Torres, con algunas modificaciones:

Alvar García Martín

Title of the Unit: WATCHING WILDLIFE  Course / Level: 3RD COURSE

1. Learning outcomes

To understand how scientists (zoologists) work.
To know the behavior of some animals, expecially birds.
To identify different birds from our environment and what do they eat.
To appreciate nature and landscapes that surrounds the students.

2. C for Content

Scientigic method. How to observe nature.
Local Birds: habitat and feeding.
Respect nature and landscapes.

3. C for Communication


Names of little birds from their natural environment such us: coal tit, great tit, blue tit...
What do birds eat: seeds, fruit and nuts...
Birdfeeders, bird nests.
Names of materials: plastic, bottles, wood, string...
Different orders to make things: cut, paste, fold, make...


Making short sentences describing animals with the verbs to have and to live. 3rd person (sing/plu) of these verbs.
_________ has (colour) (part of the animal)
They live in_______

Language skills  Discourse type

Listening: listening to the explanations of the teacher and  listening to their classmates.

Speaking: working in small groups

Reading: information about characteristics of the animals in books, computer... and reading instructions to make the nests.

Writing: short sentences describing each bird and its habits using the structures of the proyect.

4. C for Cognitive
    Thinking processes

Attention, listening the sounds of each bird.
Work in groups.
Look for information from different websites, analyze and synthesize it choosing the important one.
Think about the importance of the environment in human life.

5. C for Culture

Knowing our natural environment.
Respect the environment.

6. Activities

Act. 1. Going out for a Scientific Walk around the pine forest to see plants and living things. Taking with us binoculars and their notebooks, students must make notes of everything they see and listen, paying attention on birds.

Act. 2. Looking for information about the birds we have seen, drawing and colouring them, writing their characteristics using new structures and vocabulary.

Coal tit has black head
Blue tits have blue head
Great tits have yellow body.

Act 3. Arts and crafts proyect. Making bird feeders and colocate them.

Act. 4. Arts and crafts activity. Making bird nests and colocate them.

Act. 5. Write everything we do and observe in a special notebook.

7. Tasks

The final task must reflect in the notebook what they have learnt during the proyect.

In all activities, and using a camara, students have to record all of the process and at the end, they have to make a short film telling about what have they done.
They film must last between 1 and 2 minutes.

8. Cross-curricular tasks

Arts: Making the bird feeders and nests.
Maths. Measure length.
English. Practise the structures of the proyect.


9. Organization and class                                   distribution. Timing

Act. 1. Individual Work. 1 session.
Act. 2. Whole Class Activity. 2 sessions.
Act. 3. Group Work. 1 session.
Act. 4. Group Work. 2 sessions.
Act. 5. Individual Work. They do it at home.

10. Resources and materials

To record everything we need a camara.
Materials to construct the objects: hammer, nails, wood, screwdriver, plastic bottles, varnish, binoculars...

Many websites from Internet.
Different guides of local plants and animals.

11. Key Competences

Linguistic competence. Understand and sumarize texts. Speaking in English.
Mathematic competence. Measure things.
Social competence. Work in group.
Digital competence. Choose real information from the Internet.
Cultural competence. Learning from our environment.
Learn to learn competence. Observate and analyze things.

12. Assessment:
criteria and instruments

Two different criteria are used to evaluate the proyect.

Observing the students every day and analysing the final task.
Language: accuracy, structures, vocabulary...
Skills: presentation, organization, speaking...
Attitude during the proyect...

Diseño basado en el de © Isabel Pérez Torres, con algunas modificaciones: